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c/ Murcia nº. 52-B, Pol. Ind. Can Calderón

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© Copyright Nogales Barcelona 2021


05.11.2022 Sabadell City Council extends the contract for the Production, Supply and Installation of materials for the dissemination of activities organized by the Consistory Department of Culture to Nogales Barcelona for one year....

05.06.2022 Fira - CCIB awards Nogales Barcelona the signage and labeling of the Medtech MTF event....

05.04.2022 Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona (FMB) awards Nogales Barcelona the contract for the production, removal and placement of video surveillance signs in all Metro stations....

05.03.2022 Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) awards Nogales Barcelona the contract for maintenance, removal and application of external protection laminate and external replacement of trains for a period of 5 years....